Archive for the ‘’ Category

Looking Ahead: The Future of the Internet

21 julio, 2014

What will the internet look like in the near future, 20 years, 100 years? We explore the possibilities in this illustration.


A Professional Learning Teacher Toolkit

21 julio, 2014


Rúbricas: qué son, cómo se diseñan y herramientas para su elaboración

21 julio, 2014

Descripción del concepto de rúbricas, como se elaboran, ventajas de uso. Descripción de herramientas TIC para su elaboración.


40 Maps That Explain The Internet

21 julio, 2014

The internet increasingly pervades our lives, delivering information to us no matter where we are. It takes a complex system of cables, servers, towers, and other infrastructure, developed over decades, to allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family so effortlessly. Here are 40 maps that will help you better understand the internet — where it came from, how it works, and how it’s used by people around the world.


Social Media Marketing Tips 2014: A visual guide to best practices on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more

21 julio, 2014

The world of social media is ever-changing. It’s important to keep current on best practices to ensure that you’re doing all you can to keep your marketing campaigns and initiatives fresh. The team at Vocus has researched the latest and greatest trends in marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

See what they found at the link…


3 Awesome Visual Dictionary & Thesaurus iPad Apps – iPad appfinders

21 julio, 2014

«Whether you are looking for a simple dictionary or a sophisticated thesaurus app, there are plenty of options available for you in the App Store. If you are looking for an app that visualizes word connections and can help you expand your vocabulary, these 3 visual dictionary apps have you covered:»


Conoce 10 herramientas libres para crear actividades educativas #multimedia | ProfesorOnline

21 julio, 2014


Tiempos líquidos: 6 competencias transversales para resolver nuevos problemas

14 julio, 2014

“Los líquidos no conservan una determinada forma durante mucho tiempo y están constantemente dispuestos a cambiarla; para ellos lo que cuenta es el flujo del tiempo más que el espacio que puedan ocupar. Los líquidos se desplazan con facilidad, fluyen, se derraman, salpican, se vierten… a diferencia de los sólidos…”  Zigmunt Bauman utiliza la metáfora de la líquidez para referirse a la nueva fase de la modernidad. La denomina “modernidad líquida”.


Tabla Comparativa: Conductismo / Cognitivismo / Constructivismo / Conectivismo

14 julio, 2014


How To Convert Prezi To YouTube Videos

14 julio, 2014

Anyone who has used the Prezi platform would know that creating a Prezi and uploading it to is easy enough, however when it comes to converting it to a YouTube video, there seems to be no native method of doing so…
